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Oxford Phrasebuilder Extras Fruit

ɔksfəɹd fɹe͡izbɪldəɹ ɛkstɹəz fɹut


1 general:: Growinga bumper crop of applesPineapples grow in tropical climates.We have been growing redcurrants for many years.Blackberries ripen in the autumn.We haven't had any pears yet this year.This tree produces very sweet plums.She picked a ripe apricot and started to eat it.Growers are expecting a bumper apple harvest this year.a bumper apple crop/crop of apples€¦He's a peach grower.Plants apple, cherry, lemon, lime, mango, mulberry, olive, orange, peach, pear, plum trees blackcurrant, bramble, gooseberry bushes banana, strawberry plants grape vines raspberry canesSkins citrus, grapefruit, lemon, orange peel banana skinLook at the entries for individual fruits for collocates specific to each.Flowers apple, cherry, lemon, orange blossom banana, lemon, melon flowersPreparingYou can wash, peel, cut, slice, chop and halve any fruit:Halve the cherries and slice the pineappleSome fruit can be eaten cooked: stewed apples/pears/plums baked applesPlantations apple, cherry orchards citrus, lemon, olive, orange groves banana plantationsPreserving tinned apricots, grapefruit, peaches, pears, pineapple dried apricots, dates, figsDried fruit usually refers to different types of dried grapes which are called currants, sultanas or raisins.Seeds apple, orange pips cherry, peach, plum stones melon seeds apple cores

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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