دو گانگی
Even in The 'Wealth of Nations Smith displays this deep ambivalence about luxury.
A similar ambivalence may mark our reaction to the poor and suffering.
Thus, for many in the eighteenth century luxury remained a vice, although with considerably more contestation and ambivalence.
Today, despite our aforementioned everyday worries about excessive wealth, the ambivalence manifested in the late eighteenth-century debates over luxury has largely disappeared from the disciplines of ethics and economics, for two chief reasons.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
روان شناسی و مشاوره::
تردید، دوسوگرایی، دوسوگرایی، دوسوگرایی
Today, this sort of interdisciplinary work is especially significant for grasping how subjectivity and identity are being reconstituted within a global context of economic uncertainty and ambivalence, in which the advent of new communication technologies and unpredictable political turbulence have produced novel forms of culture and social reproduction.
Here we find an acceptance of the tensions and contradictions of contemporary cultural life, accompanied by a recognition of plurality, ambivalence, ambiguity, contingency and uncertainty.
In contrast to the binary oppositions of Freudian versus anti-Freudian, modernist versus postmodernist, traditional versus post-traditional, the problematic of cultural production can be tackled from a psychoanalytic viewpoint as one of ambivalence, ambiguity, plurality, multiplication and difference.
The rise of postmodernism as a paradigm for the social sciences and the humanities - with its antiindividualist bent, its sensitivity to communal differences, its stress on heterogeneity, ambiguity and ambivalence, and its openness to differences and alternative viewpoints - is based not so much on a rejection of modernity and modernism (although in its cruder versions this has sometimes been the case), but rather on a radical and reflexive engagement with the modernist drive for world mastery, control, ordering and domination.،He has arrived, on the road, at an awareness of seemingly intolerable ambivalence: he partly loves and partly hates his fiancée.
In his therapy he learns how to tolerate such ambivalence as ordinary life.
The guilt at the impulse of hate, within ordinary ambivalence, of the Rat Man.
It is the literal and metaphoric difficulty of the sense of a behind, to do with faeces, the past, and leaving the unseeable, which inspires Erikson's wonderful aphorism, 'Doubt is the brother of shame'.39 A parent's ambivalence about having a child will take one form with respect to difficulties in feeding that child; but a different intensity will attend difficul- ties with anal training.،He has arrived, on the road, at an awareness of seemingly intolerable ambivalence: he partly loves and partly hates his fiancée.
In his therapy he learns how to tolerate such ambivalence as ordinary life.
The guilt at the impulse of hate, within ordinary ambivalence, of the Rat Man.
It is the literal and metaphoric difficulty of the sense of a behind, to do with faeces, the past, and leaving the unseeable, which inspires Erikson's wonderful aphorism, 'Doubt is the brother of shame'.39 A parent's ambivalence about having a child will take one form with respect to difficulties in feeding that child; but a different intensity will attend difficul- ties with anal training.
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