داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: مستبدانه‌، بط‌ور قراردادی‌، دلخواهی‌، دلخواهانه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: خودسرانه

The way the word knowledge is used by many intellectuals often arbitrarily limits what verified information is to be considered knowledge. Undefined terms like "basic necessities" and arbitrarily defined terms like "poverty" allow such rhetoric to flourish, independently of documented facts about rising living standards in the lower income brackets. The desires arbitrarily attributed to the public made it unnecessary for Priestley to confront opposing arguments or to confront the possibility that there were gaps or flaws in the arguments advanced by pacifists like himself, which left the public unconvinced that the pacifists' approaches- disarmament and treaties- were likely to reduce the dangers of war. To answer that question requires, at a minimum, recognizing that factors internal to individuals and groups cannot be disregarded, and all differences in their life chances arbitrarily attributed to particular external institutions or to society as a whole. One could just as easily, and just as arbitrarily, have chosen health, wealth, happiness or something else as categorically preemptive over everything else.

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