

1 کشاورزی:: رنگ نارنجی زرد در پرهایی که براق و برنج نیست

اصطلاحات پیشنهادی دکتر حسن مهربانی یگانه

2 عمومی:: چرم‌ گاومیش‌، چرم‌ زرد خوابدار، ضربت‌، گاو وحشی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: پرداخت کردن

Depending on the type of nail your working on, or the type of finish the client requires will determine if you need to buff to smooth or not. If you're working on a customer with very thin, damaged or soft nails it's not advised to buff as it could more easily lead to over thinning. If you buff these nails to make them smooth, you will again end up over thinning the nail and causing damage. The only time you would need to buff a nail smooth is if they customer chooses to have the nail buffed to a high shine rather than wear lacquer or top coat. If you do choose to buff smooth it's important to remember to only ever gently buff the regrowth when they return for their follow-up treatment, never rebuff the entire nail as over time this will cause damage from over thinning.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: see IN THE BUFF.

American Heritage Idioms

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