امر پیشپاافتاده
Lewd thought was not mentally excluded by repression but by transfiguration into an emasculated commonplace.
At the risk of simplifying, this fits in well with Danto's methodology involving one of his most famous essays on Pop Art, where Warhol is cast as the philosopher/artist who was also able to play his role in the "transfiguration of the commonplace" into philosophy as art.
In Danto's analysis of Warhol's Brillo Boxes (1968) he speaks of the almost imperceptible fusion of art and the commonplace (so that the real and what represents it are in total harmony with each other).
Danto sees the commonplace in art and art in the commonplace.18 The second adaptation is Hegel's the theory of the end of art, where Spirit reaches a full-realisation without the need of the exteriorisation and self-reflection of images.
commonplace not only because they tell us about the organisation of Danto's consciousness but what he believes happens to consciousness during the experience of this transfiguration.
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