Two investiga- tions in human volunteers have confirmed the ability of dexmedetomidine to decrease CBF.
Dexmedetomidine dose-dependently decreased MCAfv, with the maximum reduction being approximately 25%.37 Dexmedetomi- dine (1 痢/kg loading dose and infusion at either 0.2 or
In a more recent study of dexmedetomidine during which both MCAfv and the CMR were measured in healthy humans, dexmedetomi- dine decreased MCAfv in parallel with a reduction in the CMR.39 Similarly, in healthy patients40 and those with
Thus the effects of dexmedeto- midine on CBF were primarily mediated by its ability to suppress the CMR; the reduction in CBF is commensurate with the reduction in CMR, and there is no evidence that dexmedetomidine causes cerebral ischemia.
However, the well-known effect of dexmedetomidine in decreas- ing arterial blood pressure merits careful consideration if used in patients who are critically dependent on collateral perfusion pressure, especially in the recovery phase of an anesthetic.
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