سیاسی و روابط بین الملل::
The proposed dichotomy presents the Anglo-American view as being whatever is private is legitimate, and whatever is public requires apology and justification, However, Spitz recognizes that while this dichotomy exists, and is variously presented as existing on the part of particular interests, he claims that it is a fundamentally false dichotomy.
The distinctions between the related dichotomies of the global and the local, the universal and the particular, objective and subjective, positivist and relativist and between structure and agency shows them as metaphors for each other.
These dichotomies are essentially about different approaches to the same subject: about how to interpret reality.
Diamond appears to assume that liberal democracy and substantive democracy are the same, his dichotomy being liberal and electoral, rather than substantive and procedural (1999: 13).
This then sets up a dichotomy between the claims of social liberalism, which would generally imply a degree of egalitarianism in terms of more equal civic participation through greater access to equal economic opportunity, and economic liberalism, or libertarianism, which denies such economic egalitarianism.
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