داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: بی انضباط، نامط‌یع‌، گردنكش‌، نافرمان‌، سركش‌، متمرد

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 معارف اسلامی و الهیات:: نافرمان

Additionally, God's relationship with Adam included God's [benevolence], the requirement of Adam's [loyalty], and the [consequences] for Adam's obedience or disobedience. And third, we'll consider the [consequences] for humanity's obedience and disobedience. Now that we've looked at God's [divine benevolence] in his [covenant] with Adam, and at the requirement of [human loyalty], let's consider the [consequences] of humanity's obedience and disobedience. And as we've mentioned, the consequence for disobedience was death. But whether God's words in [Genesis chapter 2 verse 17] meant the maximum penalty or the mandatory penalty for disobedience, humanity's disloyalty to God's covenant carried dire consequences.

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