زیست شناسی::
In this context, most important are bifunctional particles exhibiting a ferromagnetic core and a luminescent coating, as they are used medical applications [2].
ferromagnetism and luminescence); this allows a combination of properties in one particle that would never exist together in nature (bifunctional materials [2]) In addition, by selecting a proper polymer for the outermost coating it is possible to adjust the interaction with the surrounding medium (e.g.
Filling a carbon nanotube with iron leads to a ferromagnetic part with a high shape anisotropy; hence, such aggregates show a large hysteresis in their magnetization curve.
eld as dia- magnetic, paramagnetic, or ferromagnetic.
Although, in general, all materials show inherently diamagnetic properties, only those materials not showing predominantly paramagnetic or ferromagnetic behavior in addition are known as diamagnetic.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران