داستان آبیدیک



1 عمران:: ناوگان

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: عبور سریع‌، زود گذر، ناوگان‌، بسرعت‌ گذشتن‌، بادپا

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun number: They had a fleet of trucks. noun navy: The British fleet is a large force.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   noun ADJ. great, huge, large a large fleet of gunboats | small | fishing, whaling | merchant, shipping | battle, invasion | enemy, foreign | submarine, tanker | car, vehicle the company car fleet VERB + FLEET operate, own He operated a small fishing fleet. | command | mobilize, send (in) The fleet was mobilized and the country prepared for war. | disband, ground | defeat, destroy | join The ship sailed to join the fleet at Barbados. | maintain The fleet was is very expensive to maintain. PREP. in a/the ~ There were over 500 ships in the enemy fleet. | ~ of a fleet of taxis

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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