In the dairy protein-stabilised system, a combination of beta- lactoglobulin, one of the major constituents of whey proteins, and sodium caseinate was used.
The most extensively studied protein is the milk protein �-lactoglobulin, which is known for its emulsifying properties.
The effect of pH on the retention of aroma compounds by �-lactoglobulin depends on the aroma compound (Jouenne and Crouzet, 2000).
As an example, upon preheating, �-lactoglobulin unfolded par- tially exposing hydrophobic regions and making its binding sites more accessible to aroma compounds such as �-ionone and guaiacol (Tavel et al.
As an example, Figure 13.1 shows the amino acids that are affected upon the addition of �-ionone to �-lactoglobulin, either in the native state or in the heat-induced molten globule state.
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