

1 عمومی:: اسودگی‌، فراغت‌، مجال‌، فرصت‌، تن‌ اسایی‌، وقت‌ كافی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: اوقات فراغت

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: leisure leisure + NOUN leisure time • They spend much of their leisure time with their grandchildren. a leisure activity/interest • Many people have little time after work for leisure activities. leisure pursuits formal (= leisure activities ) • Ask about his hobbies and leisure pursuits. a leisure centre/complex (= a place where you can play sports etc ) • The local leisure centre has a swimming pool and a sauna. leisure facilities (= different places where you can play sports etc ) • The leisure facilities in the town are very good. the leisure industry/sector • The leisure sector has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years. a leisure group (= a group of companies in the leisure industry ) • The leisure group reported record profits last year.


2 general:: see AT LEISURE; AT ONE'S LEISURE.

American Heritage Idioms

3 general::   noun VERB + LEISURE have We have more leisure than our parents had. LEISURE + NOUN hours, time | activities, interests, pursuits | centre, complex | facilities | equipment, goods | industry

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

4 general:: noun relaxation: She has a lot of time for leisure.

Simple Definitions

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