داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: شوهردار، پیوسته‌، متاهل، عروسی‌ كرده‌، متحد، متاهل‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: adj. wedded: She was a married woman.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: married verbs be married • She’s married now, and living in London. get married (= to have a wedding ) • Did you know that they are going to get married? stay married • I cannot stay married to a man I do not love. be married with children (= to be married and have children ) • Kevin is married with four children. adverbs happily married (= in a happy relationship with your husband or wife ) • I have been happily married for nine years. unhappily married (= not in a happy relationship with your husband or wife ) • They were behaving like an unhappily married old couple. newly/recently married (= married not long ago ) • The newly married couple arrived at their hotel. nouns a married man/woman • By 1957 a third of married women were working. a married couple • Most of their friends are married couples. married life • Throughout her married life, her husband’s interests had come first. sb’s married name (= a woman’s last name, when she has changed it to her husband’s name ) • She gave them Pat’s married name and address. married quarters (= where soldiers live with their wives ) • Can a soldier’s wife continue to live in married quarters if her husband leaves her?


3 general:: married having a husband or wife: • How long have you been married? • a married couple single not married: • Chris is 45 and still single. • single mothers engaged having formally agreed to marry someone in the future: • Jane and Pete have just got engaged . • engaged couples live together to share a home and have a sexual relationship, but not be married: • More and more couples are choosing to live together rather than get married. separated no longer living with your husband or wife because of problems in your marriage: • I think Joan and Brian are separated now. divorced no longer married because you have legally ended your marriage: • My parents got divorced when I was 10. • divorced men widowed no longer married because your husband or wife has died: • He’s a widowed father of two. husband/wife etc husband/wife the man/woman you are married to: • My wife’s a teacher. partner the person you live with and have a sexual relationship with. Partner is often used when people are not married, or when you do not know if they are married. It is also used when talking about same-sex couples: • He lives with his partner Ruth and their eight-month-old son. fiancé/fiancée the man/woman you are engaged to: • He and fiancée Wendy Hodgson will marry in July. divorcee a woman who is divorced: • The Prince announced his intention to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. widow/widower a woman or man whose husband or wife has died: • Imelda Marcos, the widow of the former President spouse formal your spouse is your husband or wife: • The rule applies to spouses and children of military personnel. estranged wife/husband formal someone’s estranged husband or wife is one who they do not live with anymore: • She is trying to get her sons back from her estranged husband. someone who is not married bachelor a man who has never been married: • He’s a confirmed bachelor (= a man who has decided he will never marry ) . spinster old-fashioned a woman who has never been married and is no longer young: • The house was owned by an elderly spinster.


4 general::   adj. VERBS be, feel I wouldn't have felt properly married if it hadn't been a church wedding. | get When did you get married? | remain ADV. newly, recently The newly married couple left for their honeymoon in Spain. | previously | happily | unhappily | lawfully, legally | properly, safely, truly PREP. to She's married to an actor.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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