technical mastery
• The technical mastery of the musicians is impressive.
complete/absolute mastery
• His latest collection shows his complete mastery of painting with oils.
have mastery of something
• She has complete mastery of her instrument.
show mastery of something
• The author did not show mastery of psychological theory.
demonstrate mastery of something
(= show mastery of something )
• During the talk, he demonstrated his mastery of the issues.
gain/achieve mastery of something
• He has definitely achieved mastery of this very difficult subject.
a sense of mastery
(= the feeling that you can do something well )
• Suggesting an activity that a child can do adds to the child's sense of mastery.
noun ADJ. absolute, complete, total | gradual Children show gradual mastery of reading in the first years at school. | practical, technical He plays the violin with technical mastery, but no feeling. VERB + MASTERY have The allied bombers had total mastery of the skies. | demonstrate, display, show He shows complete mastery of the instrument. | achieve, acquire, attain, gain PREP. ~ of He acquired mastery of four languages. | ~ over The king had absolute mastery over the country.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary