داستان آبیدیک



1 کشاورزی:: ریز ساختار

It was found that microstructure can have major effects on oxidative stability. different microstructure by processing the ingredients differently (Jansen and Van den Broek, 2013). This results in a different microstructure at the emulsion interface and, through this, a huge difference in oxidative stability can be achieved. In the previous discussion, it was shown that it is possible to make products with greatly enhanced oxidative stability based on changes in microstructure of the product only. If the microstructure, especially the interface where some of the most important interactions determining the overall kinetics of the process take place, is carefully constructed in a way that metal ions and hydroperoxides do not get a chance to interact, products with greatly improved stability can become a reality.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 شیمی:: ریزساختار

In that case, the impregnation of the reinforcement with a low viscosity polymer involves the flow of a Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid through the complex multi-scale microstructure related to the fiber and tow arrangement. The price to be paid when using the description based on the use of the pdf is its inherent multidimensionality, because in that framework, the pdf depends on the standard space and time coordinates, x and t , respectively, and also on the conformation coordinates that the microstructural description involves, in the present case, p. At the macro- scopic scale, the orientation distribution function is substituted with its moments for describing the microstructure. Macroscopic Scale: Microstructural Evolution The microstructural evolution described at the macroscopic scale considers the time evolution of the pdf moments.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: ساختمان‌ میكروسكپی‌ اشیاء یا بافت‌ ها

شبکه مترجمین ایران

4 مکانیک:: ریز ساختار

3.2.1 Mathematical Description of Microstructures of Microstructure of Four-Step Three-Dimensional The microstructure modeling strategies from both braided preforms and braided preforms and composites are derived from the microstructure models and strain is predicted on the basis of mathematical description of microstructure and

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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