داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: منظری

by DUrer: a series of vertical, transparent planes held up to nature as if to allow the faithful transcription of the image thus presented and framed." 29 One can therefore surmise that the transparent acetate sheets which were exhibited as screens could be also be understood as a commentary on the perspectival and the visible "real" depicted on the screens as against the plans, which is an abstraction, that focus on structural relationships and axonometric drawings that are about the excavations and relationships within the city-its hidden logic. disposed towards perspectival representation and the drawing themselves that are emphatically non-perspectival. The e loitation of affirmation by negation that Vidler sees operating in the Romeo and Juliet project, like the techniques used by Duchamp, Diderot and Magritte, can thus be seen in terms of the perspectival representation that was inherent in the manner of display.3Q The play between the perspectival wherein there is an implicit point of view and the abstract representation of the plans and axonometric overviews, reveals shifts bettveen diachronic and synchronic understanding of the structural relations. Dramatic volumetric changes within larger areas transform the moving experience from that of being funneled through longer heightened perspectival longitudinal passages to shorter perspectival pause places, contributing to the enrichment of visitor experience.

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