

1 عمومی:: بشردوستی، بشردوستی

Other groups, from environmentalists to labor unions to more segmented philanthropies, have made huge contributions to rectify the damage created by business externalities. In 2001 tech investment bank Hambrecht and Quist's (H&Q) CEO, Dan Case, asked managing director Nancy Pfund to move from overseeing venture capital to managing the company's philanthropy, and then to developing a community development VC fund at H&Q, which was designed to invest in the local commu- nity as a way to create new companies and develop more local jobs. With one foot in philanthropy and the other firmly in the day-to-day for-profit venture activities, Pfund became an early creator of a new investment strategy. Philanthropy itself was nothing new. While laws have been created and norms have changed to reduce the severity of these kinds of practices, many corporations today still main- tain a firm separation between philanthropy and business practices.،Nevertheless, a detailed examination of the available material found an evident dispersion of concerns and terminologies that drifted away from integral perspectives: philanthropy, corporate responsibility, lobbying, volunteering, intersectoral alliances etc; all elements belonging to a new perspective in Latin America's non-profit practice but somehow loosely related to each other and missing a cohesive conceptual reference. In the other hand, the virtual inexistence of non-religious philanthropy attested to the marginal status of social movements in the region. Domestic philanthropy, in the other hand, is experiencing a noticeable surge, partially explained by the relative estrangement of social causes from ideological dogmas but also by the modernization of productive and industrial sectors in the region. The case study of the Abrinq Foundation for Children Rights, a Brazilian SMO, is presented in order to illustrate, fundamentally, if an approach to State institutions and domestic philanthropy is feasible and sustainable in Latin America: this is, if SMOs in the region can advance their causes through the regular3 mobilization of domestic political and financial instances instead of focusing in foreign processes or mere protest and public demonstrations. The fact that philanthropy has been historically insignificant in the region might attest to this trend (David Rockefeller Centre 1999).

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: بشردوستی‌، نوع‌پرستی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 معارف اسلامی و الهیات:: انسان‌دوستی

Look at philanthropy how much of the money of philanthropy goes to educational institutions and compare that to Muslim countries.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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