زیست شناسی::
The near totality of hydra and planarian regeneration is unmatched.
Planarian flatworms can reproduce asexually by binary fission, during which they split themselves in half, separating their posterior end from the anterior end, and each segment regenerates the lost parts.
During regeneration, each piece re-creates all the appropriate cell types that make up the planarian, such as photoreceptors, nervous system, epithelium, muscle, intestines, pharynx, and gonads (see Roberts-Galbraith and New- mark 2015).
It has been known since the 1700s that when planarians are cut in half, just as occurs in asexual reproduction, the head half will regenerate a tail from the wound site while the tail half will regenerate a head (FIGURE 22.9A.B; Pallas 1766).
THE BLASTEMA AND ADULT PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS A major question to ask about planarian regeneration is.
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