پیری حنجره
Presbyphonia or Presbylaryngeus
"Presby" means "aging" and presby- phonia or presbylaryngeus are terms used to describe a voice disorder that develops during normal processes of laryngeal aging, without other con- tributing etiology.34-35 The laryngeal changes presumed to underlie this dis- order include reduced respiratory effi- ciency, loss of elasticity of the vocal fold
Presbyphonia begins typically after age 65, but individuals who are in excel- lent physical condition or speakers who have professional voice training and have remained active vocal users may be more resistant to age-related dete- rioration.34-38 The classic appearance of the vocal folds in presbylaryngeus is a slightly bowed glottal gap during vibra- tion due to thinned vocal folds, presum- ably because of loss of vocal fold cover elasticity and vocal fold body tonus38 (Figure 4-19).
Voice rehabilitative ther- apy, especially vocal function exercises, may improve voice quality dramatically in patients with presbyphonia (Check out the companion website to listen to a patient with presbylaryngeus before treatment and then following 6 weeks of vocal function exercises.)
Laryngoscopic appearance of presbylaryngeus.
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