داستان آبیدیک



1 اقتصاد:: حمایت گرایی

The conundrum arises from the inconsistency between their demands for maneuvering space to implement their development policies, on the one hand, and their complaints about Northern protectionism in agriculture, textiles, and labor and environmental standards, on the other. Would such a regime of world trade avoid collapsing into protectionism, bilateralism, or regional trade blocs? An extension of this principle to protect developmental priorities or environmental, labor, and consumer-safety standards at home-with appropriate procedural restraints against abuse-might make the world trading system more development- friendly, more resilient, and more resistant to ad-hoc protectionism. The conundrum arises from the inconsistency between their demands for maneuvering space to implement their development policies, on the one hand, and their complaints about northern protectionism in agriculture, textiles, and labor and environmental standards, on the other.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: سیستم‌ حمایت‌ از تولیدات‌ داخلی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: حمایت گرایی، حمایت گرایی، حمایت گرایی

In essence, he begins by bracketing state-society agency and focuses on the international and domestic structural forces that pushed continental states to shift from relatively free trade back to tariff protectionism after 1877. Domestically, most states faced social pressures to move towards protectionism, mainly from their dominant classes. Weak states - those that were isolated from society and had low amounts of infrastructural power - chose to increase indirect taxes and, therefore, shifted to tariff protectionism (tariffs are an indirect tax).،In essence, he begins by bracketing state-society agency and focuses on the international and domestic structural forces that pushed continental states to shift from relatively free trade back to tariff protectionism after 1877. Domestically, most states faced social pressures to move towards protectionism, mainly from their dominant classes. Weak states - those that were isolated from society and had low amounts of infrastructural power - chose to increase indirect taxes and, therefore, shifted to tariff protectionism (tariffs are an indirect tax).،Most of these studies are rather critical of EU trade policy and warn of the dangers of the potential for protectionism in the EU political system. Meu- nier and Nicola¨ıdis (1999: 498) warn that the fragmented EU decision-making process could encourage member states to 'log-roll' protectionist concessions for one another in the Council of Ministers.1 Messerlin (2001: 42) criticises the high degree of EU protectionism in twenty-two agricultural and industrial sectors. However, the level of protectionism in the EU agricultural market has remained remarkably stable over the years (Paarlberg 1997: 416). because the benefits of freer trade are diffuse while the economic rents gener- ated by protectionism tend to be concentrated among a limited group of pro- ducers. In opposition to Helen Milner (1988), who argues that trade policy reflects the balance of economic forces supporting or opposing trade liberalisation, Goldstein explains that liberalisation and protectionism are framed within general, value- based conceptions of how the international trading system should be organised.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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