داستان آبیدیک

qeshm free zone organization


1 محیط زیست و منابع طبیعی:: سازمان منطقه آزاد قشم

In January 2016, Qeshm Free Zone Organization (QFZO) submitted an application to the UNESCO Global Geopark program through the Iran National Commission for UNESCO, to designate the entire area of Qeshm Island including the Hara mangrove forests and Hangom Island. The monitoring of the Hara Protected Area is under the jurisdiction of the Hormozgan County Environment office, which reports to the DoE of Hormozgan Province; however, several other agencies, such as Qeshm Free Zone Organization (QFZO), etc. are also responsible for and undertaking activities within the Hara Protected Area and Qeshm UNESCO Global Geopark4. 4 The Qeshm Free Zone Organization (QFZO) is involved in coping with the environmental and tourism issues affecting Hara, while institutions involved in fisheries management appear to be active in the protected area as well.

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