داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: كاهش‌، ساده‌ سازی‌، تقلیل‌، (reductional) اختصار، تبدیل‌، احیا

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: reduction ADJECTIVES/NOUN + reduction a big/large reduction • You may have to take a big reduction in salary. a substantial/considerable reduction (= large enough to have an effect or be important ) • Farmers have suffered a substantial reduction in income. a significant reduction (= large and noticeable ) • There has been a significant reduction in traffic since the bypass was built. a massive reduction (= very large ) • There is no reason why the new technology should mean a massive reduction in employment. a dramatic/drastic reduction (= surprisingly large ) • The most immediate effect of retirement is a dramatic reduction in living standards. a sharp reduction (= large and quick ) • High interest rates brought about a sharp reduction in sales. a gradual reduction • The markets are hoping for a gradual reduction in interest rates. a marked reduction (= very easy to notice ) • There has been a marked reduction in arrests since the ban on alcohol at stadiums. a 10%/40% etc reduction • The 30 mph speed limit led to a 50 percent reduction in pedestrian deaths. a price reduction • Retailers may introduce price reductions to attract custom away from their competitors. arms reduction • They held talks about further arms reductions. verbs make a reduction • Significant reductions are being made in the defense budget. reduction + NOUN a reduction plan/programme/scheme • The terms of the treaty call for a three-phase troop reduction programme. reduction targets • The agreement set strict reduction targets for carbon emissions.


2 general::   noun ADJ. big, considerable, dramatic, drastic, great, huge, large, major, marked, massive, remarkable, severe, significant, substantial The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously expected. a sale with massive reductions on selected items | minor, slight, small | further | possible | actual, net, overall, real | across-the-board, general | rapid, sharp, steep | slow | immediate, sudden | gradual, progressive, steady | initial | recent | long-term, permanent | proposed | percentage A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit. | capital, cost, debt, deficit, expenditure, pay, price, tariff, tax, wage | emission, noise, pollution, waste | weight | staff | arms, troop VERB + REDUCTION achieve, make, secure The government has found it difficult to make real reductions in government spending. Every effort is made to secure the highest possible reduction in casualties. | cause, lead to, make, produce, result in These simple changes will make a substantial reduction in the fat content of your diet. | avoid | ask for, demand, seek I asked for a reduction as the dress was damaged. | get, receive Guests staying 14 nights will receive a ten per cent reduction. | suffer They suffered a severe reduction in income. | accept, welcome | give (sb), offer (sb) | propose She proposed a reduction in the state president's powers. | notice, observe, witness I haven't noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel. | announce | forecast The budget forecasts a deficit reduction of 27%. | mean, represent Our average margins dropped to 35%, which represents a reduction in gross margins of £109 million. | show Figures just released show a steady reduction in levels of emissions over the last four years. REDUCTION + VERB occur, take place REDUCTION + NOUN target the government's waste reduction targets PREP. through a/the ~ economic growth through a reduction in interest rates | ~ by reduction by 30% | ~ from, ~ in There has been a sharp reduction in the number of accidents on motorways. | ~ on a 25% reduction on normal subscription rates | ~ to a reduction in the speed limit from 50 to 40 miles per hour PHRASES a reduction in numbers They are concerned about the reduction in numbers of people eligible for legal aid. | a reduction in the amount/number/size of sth the reduction in the number of hospital beds

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

3 general:: noun decrease: There's a reduction in the rice yield.

Simple Definitions

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