noun system of government ADJ. new | old | current, established, existing, present | former, previous | interim | political | conservative, liberal, radical | authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian | communist, democratic, fascist, socialist | brutal, hard-line, harsh, oppressive, repressive | constitutional, parliamentary | revolutionary | military | colonial | puppet In 1940 a puppet regime was established by the invaders. VERB + REGIME establish, install, set up | defeat, overthrow, topple | bolster, strengthen Education was seen as a way of bolstering the existing regime. | destabilize | support | oppose | head a military regime headed by the general REGIME + VERB exist | come to power The communist regime came to power in 1975. | collapse, fall PREP. against a/the ~ She called for sanctions against the regime. | under a/the ~ He spoke of the abhorrent crimes that had been committed under the regime. | ~ under a military regime under Franco PHRASES a change of regime, the collapse/fall/overthrow of a regime, a member of a regime set of rules/procedures ADJ. harsh, rigorous, strict, tight | relaxed | new | special | exercise, fitness, health, training | dietary | drug, therapeutic, treatment | educational | economic, financial, fiscal, legal, regulatory a financial regime imposed by the government | trade/trading, tax | safety VERB + REGIME create, introduce, set up, start It will be necessary to create a regime to monitor compliance with the agreements. | impose | subject sb to The children were subjected to a strict regime of meals, walks and lessons. | follow He suggested to me that I follow his fitness regime. REGIME + VERB be based on sth a regime based on discipline and training PREP. under a/the ~ Under the new regime you will be liable for automatic penalties for late submission of tax returns. | ~ for the new regime for accounting for charities
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
a political regime
• All political regimes attempt to manipulate the media.
a military regime
• The military regime arrrested anyone who dared to speak against it.
a totalitarian regime
(= in which people are totally controlled by a government that is not elected )
• Totalitarian regimes ban books they disapprove of.
an authoritarian regime
(= with very strong control )
• The post-war authoritarian regimes of eastern Europe have been replaced by democratically elected governments.
a communist regime
• the collapse of communist regimes in eastern Europe
a fascist regime
• Mussolini 's fascist regime in Italy
a democratic regime
• the establishment of a liberal democratic regime
an oppressive/repressive regime
(= powerful, cruel, and unfair )
• That country was held fast in the grip of an oppressive regime.
a brutal regime
(= cruel and violent )
• Many asylum seekers have fled from brutal regimes.
a corrupt regime
(= dishonest )
• Much of the aid that the Americans sent lined the pockets of his corrupt regime.
overthrow/topple a regime
(= remove it from power )
• In 1979, Tanzanian forces overthrew the regime of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.
oppose a regime
(= fight or compete against it )
• People who opposed the regime were executed in a wave of political violence.
a regime comes to power
• He criticised European leaders for supporting a regime that came to power through violence.
a regime collapses/falls
(= loses power )
• Authoritarian regimes tend to collapse in times of economic hardship.