علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
Continuing attempts to make imprisonment a more reintegrative experience by liberal prison authorities have been overwhelmed by government policies that have had the effect of enhancing and extending its disqualificatory, exclusionary impact.
However, in just the same way that the solution to social problems outside the prison was seen as more welfare, rather than less, so problems within the prison were seen as demanding more rehabilitation and less security: 'instead of giving up on tough prisoners, further efforts at reintegration are made.
Rather than the attention given to 'public protection' in the corres- ponding Anglophone documents, the emphasis continues to be on the rehabilitation and reintegration of the prisoner.
As regards punishment, this meant that corporeal sanctions could be very quickly dispensed within the modern period; and prison was intended to bring about the reintegration of its inmates - initially through the provision of 'soul care', then psycho-therapeutic treatment followed by the normalization of prison life itself - in a bid to reduce, as much as possible, the distinctions and divisions between prisoners and the rest of society.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران