


1 عمومی:: خیاط‌ی‌ كردن‌، دوختن‌، دوزندگی‌ كردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: verb stitch: She can sew a coat for you.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: sew sth up BE SUCCESSFUL 2. [ usually passive ] informal If you have a competition or game sewn up, you are certain you can win it or get control of it • The Democrats appear to have the election sewn up., sew sth up REPAIR 1. [ M ] to close or repair something by sewing the edges together • I've got to sew up that hole in your jeans. • A nurse will come and sew up that wound for you soon.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

3 general::   verb ADV. carefully, neatly The squares of fabric were all sewn neatly together. | on, together, up I sewed on three buttons. He sewed up the tear with needle and thread. PREP. onto He sewed the patch onto the back of his trousers.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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