داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: خرد كردن‌، داغان‌ كردن‌، شكستن‌، (درجمع‌) قط‌عات‌ شكسته‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: verb splintered: The glass shattered when it fell. verb destroyed: They shattered our hopes.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   verb break into very small pieces ADV. completely PHRASES shatter (sth) into pieces The mirror shattered into a thousand pieces. destroy sth completely ADV. completely an event that completely shattered her life | abruptly, brutally, rudely, suddenly The moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of Mia's loud voice.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

3 general:: shatter nouns shatter sb’s hopes • Their hopes had been shattered by the outbreak of war. shatter sb’s confidence • Public confidence has been shattered. shatter a dream (= make it impossible for someone to achieve or get something they want ) • He spoke yesterday about the injury which shattered his Olympic dream. shatter sb’s illusions (= make someone realise their beliefs are wrong ) • I hate to be the one to shatter your illusions, but you’re wrong. shatter an image (= make people realise the idea they have about something is wrong ) • The book shattered the image of the contented American housewife. shatter a myth (= show that an idea was completely wrong ) • Economic studies have shattered the myth that population growth is bad for a nation’s economy.


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