داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: فریاد دلخراش‌ زدن‌، جیغ‌ زدن‌ (مثل‌ بعضی‌ از پرندگان‌)

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   verb ADV. aloud | all but, almost He all but shrieked when he saw her. VERB + SHRIEK hear sb PREP. at Stop shrieking at me! | in She shrieked in terror. | with The audience shrieked with laughter.,   noun ADJ. loud | little She gave a little shriek of delight. | high-pitched, piercing VERB + SHRIEK give, let out | hear PREP. with a ~ She fell to the floor with a shriek of pain. | ~ of Shrieks of laughter came from the bedroom. PHRASES a shriek of delight/pain, a shriek of laughterSOUND

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: noun scream: She gave a shriek and collapsed.

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