داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: نظ‌امی‌، نظ‌امی‌ شدن‌، سپاهی‌، سربازی‌ كردن‌، سرباز

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun ADJ. brave, fine, good, great The minister paid tribute to the brave soldiers who had lost their lives. | trained | experienced, veteran | former, old, retired | professional, regular | volunteer | conscript | common, ordinary, private, rank-and-file What was life like for the common soldier? | fellow He was deeply affected by the death of one of his fellow soldiers. | loyal soldiers loyal to the president | dead, injured, wounded | armed | foot, mounted | mercenary | enemy | Allied, British, etc. | government, rebel | uniformed | undercover | toy VERB + SOLDIER be, serve as | enlist as He decided to enlist as a soldier. | play little boys playing soldiers SOLDIER + VERB enlist The number of soldiers enlisting has fallen dramatically. | be stationed, serve soldiers serving in the Germany | march | fight (sb) | defend sth, guard sth | open fire (on sb) At least 19 people were killed when soldiers opened fire on a peaceful demonstration. | shoot sb dead | be killed in action, die | be wounded | be missing in action | be captured, be taken prisoner | return soldiers returning from the war | desert

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: noun serviceman: I was a soldier in the last war.

Simple Definitions

3 general:: people in an army soldier someone who is in the army, especially someone who is not an officer: • Three soldiers were killed in an hour-long gun battle. troops soldiers, especially those who are taking part in a military attack: • The government sent more troops to Iraq. serviceman/servicewoman a man or woman who is in the army, air force, or navy: • The hospital treats injured servicemen and women. officer a high-ranking member of the army, air force, or navy who is in charge of a group of soldiers, sailors etc: • an army officer


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