قفسه سینه
It is made up of the respi- ratory muscles, thorax, diaphragm, and abdominal compartments.
The lungs, thorax, intercostal muscles, and diaphragm provide a pumping action that transports gas between the environment and the alveoli.
Much of the fluid that fills the lungs is pushed out through the nose and mouth as a result of pressure on the thorax during the birth process; remaining fluid can be drained by the pulmonary vasculature and lymphatic system.1 with each of the first breaths, more and more air is retained in the lungs, building up the newborn's functional
At birth, the infant maintains a posture of shoulder elevation, limiting the cervical dimensions of the thorax.
figure 8-9 Comparison of the infant thorax (left) with the mature thorax (right).
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