داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: تاوقتیكه‌، تاانكه‌، ( conj&perp): تا، تااینكه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: prep. before: It is 30 minutes till six. conj. until: We will wait till she is here.

Simple Definitions

2 general:: In addition to the subsequent idioms beginning with TILL, Also see HAND IN THE TILL; UNTIL.

American Heritage Idioms

3 general::   noun ADJ. computerized, electronic TILL + VERB ring a sales idea that has set tills ringing all over the country TILL + NOUN receipt, roll PREP. at/behind/on the ~ The supermarket didn't have enough people working on the tills. | in/into a/the ~ Put the money straight into the till. | from/out of a/the ~ He gave her £10 from the till.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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