داستان آبیدیک

tissue resident macrophage


1 عمومی:: ماکروفاژ مقیم بافت

Most studies in regenerative medicine assume that macrophage accumulation is dominated by persistent recruitment of blood borne monocytes, but the influence of cell proliferation as well as the role of tissue-resident macrophages are becoming better appreci- ated [133-135]. , Tissue-resident macrophage enhancer landscapes are shaped by the local microen- vironment, Cell 159 (6) (2014) 1312-1326. , Distinct bone marrow-derived and tissue-resident macrophage lineages proliferate at key stages during inflammation, Nat. There are several types of well-studied tissue-resident macrophages throughout the body, which play important roles in their respective organs. Due to these general functions of tissue-resident macrophages, it is not surprising that tissue-resident macrophages in skin (dermal macrophages) contribute to the maintenance and renewal of skin appendages during homeostasis, and wound healing.

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