noun ADJ. high, high-rise, lofty, massive, tall | squat | two-storey, three-storey, etc. They lived in a ten-storey tower in the town centre. | octagonal, round, square | ancient, Gothic, medieval | fortified | twin Twin towers flanked the castle gateway. | ruined | control, lookout, observation, watch (also watchtower) Armed border guards manned the lookout towers. | bell, clock | cooling, water | television | computer | conning | castle, cathedral, church | ivory (figurative) academics sitting in their ivory towers TOWER + VERB collapse
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
tower above/over sth
to be much bigger and more successful than another thing of the same type
• One computer manufacturer towers above all the rest., tower above/over sb/sth
to be very tall in comparison with someone or something else
• Canary Wharf towers above the Dockland area of London.
• Although he's only 12, David towers over his mother.
Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs