داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: نقل‌، حواله‌، واگذاری‌، تحویل‌، انتقال‌، ورابری‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: انتقال، انتقال، انتقال

cation of transference Whereas with 'the little ones', strongly affect-based transferences often take place as early as the second or third session, with older children-in accordance with their ego development-this occurs several sessions later and intensi? Fastest to develop are the transference relationships between the children-for example, sibling relationships and rivalries with classmates-which repeat themselves in the group dynamics in the form of striving for dominance, arguments, withdrawal, etc. Strongly negative transferences or oedipal courtship do not usually begin to appear until the middle phase. Then these instances of transference are not only limited to the symbolic scenarios; they also clearly have an effect in the discussion rounds-for example, when choosing places for the opening round, where the 'little ones' openly seek closeness while the 'big kids' demonstrate such wishes by deliberately creating distances.،،It was Freud's colleague Josef Breuer's inability to cope, as a man, with his patient's desire for him as a complex man, sexually and emotionally avail- able now and to her, rather than a man defined by a single professional role predicated on an almost object-like abstinence, which prompted Freud to reconsider these emotional dynamics and to place at the heart of the psychoanalytic process the con- cepts of 'transference' and 'counter-transference'.54 The past must come into the present, into the therapeutic space, as powerfully as it can - and that can only be by the 'misperceptions' of transference, if there is to be a new future, rather than endless, futile shadow-repetition. In the re-creation of powerful thoughts and feelings that transference facilitates, there is the hope that the patient might (be helped to) complete or at least continue the transition from what Klein calls the paranoid- schizoid position to the depressive position.

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