داستان آبیدیک



1 عمران:: واتراستاپ

Described and illustrated are: The functioning of joint sealants; re- quired properties, available materials and applicable specifications for field-molded sealants and preformed sealants such as waterstops, gas- kets, or compression seals; determination of joint movements, widths, and depths; outline details of joints and sealants used in general struc- tures, fluid containers, and pavements; methods and equipment for seal- ant installation including preparatory work; performance of sealants; and methods of repairing defective work or maintenance resealing. 4.8-Shape and size of rigid waterstops 4.9-Shape and size of flexible waterstops 6.9-Installation of preassembled devices 6.10-Installation of waterstops Second, there are joints, as in containers, dams, and pipe lines, in which the primary line of defense against the passage of water is a sealant such as a waterstop or gasket buried deeper in the joint. Some waterstops [Fig. 1 (2A)] function to a large degree in this way though com- pressive forces may be present at their sealing faces and an- chorage areas.

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