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1 عمومی:: نگارنده‌، راقم‌، مصنف‌، مولف‌، نویسنده‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: writer someone who writes books, stories, or articles in as a job: • Greene was one of the finest writers of his generation. • a writer for the Independent on Sunday magazine • I always wanted to be a writer. author someone who writes books, especially works of literature, or someone who wrote a particular book: • Among the guests was the author Salman Rushdie. • The author will be signing copies of his book. • He was the author of ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’. novelist someone who writes books about imaginary people or events: • Charles Dickens was one of the greatest 19th century novelists. • the romantic novelist Barbara Cartland poet someone who writes poems: • a class studying the works of modern American poets playwright someone who writes plays: • Shakespeare was the greatest playwright in English history. dramatist someone who writes plays - used especially in literary writing, about playwrights in the past: • the great French dramatist, Moliere scriptwriter ( also screenwriter ) someone who writes plays for films or television: • Three or four scriptwriters work on the show. blogger someone who regularly writes about a particular subject on their own website: • a travel blogger • a blogger who writes about the differences between American and British English


2 general::   noun ADJ. celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, great, influential, leading, major, prominent, well-known one of the greatest writers of all time | award-winning | best-selling, popular | favourite | prolific a very prolific crime writer | creative, fine, good, talented one of the best writers in journalism today | experienced | young | aspiring a chance for aspiring writers to get their work published | academic, freelance, ghost (also ghostwriter), professional, staff | anonymous | contemporary, living, modern, recent | ancient, classical, Greek, Roman | Renaissance, Victorian, etc. | sixteenth-century, etc. | early, later early writers in sociology | female, gay, male, woman She gives talks about being a black woman writer. | Christian, communist, feminist, political, socialist | religious, spiritual | comedy, fiction, prose, science-fiction | film, letter, magazine, music, paperback, screenplay, script, short-story, software, textbook | copy, feature, gossip, headline, leader, report | cookery, crime, fashion, food, football, golf, science, sports, thriller, travel | short-hand | the present (written) The present writer (= the person writing) has no experience in microbiology. WRITER + VERB write sth a popular writer who has written over forty books | argue sth, describe sth, point sth out, put it (written), say sth, suggest sth As one twelfth-century writer put it, English wine could be drunk only with closed eyes and through clenched teeth. Is political culture, as some writers have suggested, in a state of collapse? | be interested in sth PREP. ~ for a freelance feature writer for the Guardian | ~ of a writer of children's books | ~ on He is a prominent writer on civil liberties. | ~ to a writer to the letters column PHRASES an association/a group/a guild of writers, a writer's association/group/guild/union, a writer in residence We have decided not to employ a writer in residence after June. | a writer of the day/period/time Unlike many writers of the period, she is not preoccupied with morality. | writer's block He's just released a new album after two years of writer's block.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

3 general:: noun author: He is a well-known writer.

Simple Definitions

4 general:: writer ADJECTIVES/NOUN + writer a good/great writer • She was a very good writer. • Dr Johnson was already a great writer at the age of thirty-five. a fiction/science-fiction/mystery writer • The movie is based on a story by science-fiction writer Phillip K. Dick. a travel/history/sports etc writer (= someone who writes articles and books about a subject ) • This region of Europe does not excite many travel writers. a prolific writer (= someone who writes a lot of books etc ) • He was a prolific writer of everything from poems to essays. a freelance writer • She now works as a freelance writer.


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