داستان آبیدیک




1 computer:: Grade point average

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 general:: average


3 Law:: mean; average (the average of

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

4 Law:: grade point average

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

5 Law:: (also مزكي ‘mozakkâ’) (fiqh) a witness attesting or having attested to the justice and justice and lawfulness of another synonyms : average, mean, median, norm mean something that represents a middle point. Average is exactly or approximately the quotient obtained by dividing the sum total of a set of figures by the number of figures (scored an average of 85 on testss Mean may be the simple average or it may represent value midway between two extremes (a high of 70 degrees and a low of 50 degrees give a mean of 60 degrees Median applies to the value that represents the point at which there are as many instances above as there are below (average of a group of persons earning

فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه

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