کامپیوتر و شبکه::
گیر انداختن
Unfortunately, lots of people, or at least lots of email addresses, web sites, and network requests, want to share stuff with you that aims to circumvent operating system security mechanisms and cause your computer to share additional, unexpected resources.
Otherwise, an attacker could modify the enforcement function of the system, again circumventing its security.
The key features of the VAX VMM are its implementation of virtualization, which ensures that the untrusted VMs cannot circumvent the authority of the VMM, and its layered system architecture, which improves security via modularity and minimizing interdependencies.
Second, even though the OS kernel is run a higher ring than the VMM, the processor may still permit the higher ring to run security-sensitive operations, thus circumventing complete mediation.
If an attacker can control the VM's operating system code, she can cause a sensitive I/O operation to circumvent the mediation.
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