داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: مشروط‌، موكول‌، تصادفی‌، محتمل‌ الوقوع‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 معارف اسلامی و الهیات:: ممکن

He said that the contingent things of everything in the universe that is dependent, derived, contingent, and has a cause. being is that our being, our existence, is a creaturely existence in which we are dependent, derived, and contingent. is the supreme characteristic of contingent beings. book has an individuated, particular existence that is contingent, but he would then argue that underlying it is some

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun ADJ. large, strong, substantial | military, naval, police | British, UN, etc. PREP. ~ from a strong contingent from Camberwell Art School | ~ of a large contingent of American troops

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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