داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: سیتوپلاسم، سیتوپلاسم

Bacteria are generally characterized by a cell membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm. The cell wall maintains the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm as well the characteristic cell shape. Gram- positive bacteria have one cytoplasmic membrane with multilayer of peptidoglycan polymer [44], and a thicker cell wall (20-80 nm). The cytoplasm, a jelly-like fluid that fills a cell, involves all the cellular components except the nucleus. Consequently, the cytoplasm contains proteins, carbohy- drates, nucleic acids, salts, ions, and water (*80 %).،Bacteria are generally characterized by a cell membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm. The cell wall maintains the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm as well the characteristic cell shape. Gram- positive bacteria have one cytoplasmic membrane with multilayer of peptidoglycan polymer [44], and a thicker cell wall (20-80 nm). The cytoplasm, a jelly-like fluid that fills a cell, involves all the cellular components except the nucleus. Consequently, the cytoplasm contains proteins, carbohy- drates, nucleic acids, salts, ions, and water (*80 %).

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