داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: تضعیف‌ روحیه‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: تضعیف روحیه

A person who has been seduced by the consumer value system, whose identity is dissolved in an amalgam of the accouterments of mass civilization, and who has no roots in the order of being, no sense of responsibility for any- thing higher than his own personal survival, is a demoralized per- son. The system depends on this demoralization, deepens it, is in fact a projection of it into society. (By the way, the representatives of power invariably come to terms with those who live within the truth by persistently ascribing utilitarian motivations to them-a lust for power or fame or wealth-and thus they try, at least, to implicate them in their own world, the world of general demoralization.) Almost all those who were po- litical prisoners in the early 1970s, who had apparently been made to suffer in vain because of their quixotic efforts to work politi- cally among an utterly apathetic and demoralized society, belong today-inevitably-among the most active Chartists. And if a large portion of the public is indifferent to, even skeptical of, alternative political models and programs and the pri- vate establishment of opposition political parties, this is not merely because there is a general feeling of apathy toward public affairs and a loss of that sense of higher responsibility; in other words, it is not just a consequence of the general demoralization.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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