داستان آبیدیک



1 صنایع غذایی:: تغییر ماهیت

The calpains begin to denature and lose activity around 105�F/40�C, the cathepsins around 122�F/50�C. If meat is quickly seared or blanched in boiling water to eliminate microbes on its surface, and then heated up slowly during the cooking-for example, by braising or roasting in a slow oven-then the aging enzymes within the meat can be very active for several hours before they denature. We cook meat for four basic reasons: to make it safe to eat, easier to chew and to digest (denatured proteins are more vulnerable to our digestive enzymes), and to make it more flavorful. When heated to about 120�F/50�C, it develops a white opacity as heat-sensitive myosin denatures and coagulates into clumps large enough to scatter light. Then, around 140�F/60�C, red myoglobin begins to denature into a tan-colored version called hemichrome.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: دناتوره شدن، ط‌بیعت‌ یا ماهیت‌ چیزی‌ را عوض‌ كردن‌

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