داستان آبیدیک



1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: در حال فروپاشی

As the quest to represent and intervene in reality was abandoned and the 'passion for the real' (Badiou 2007) fell back and fragmented into the diversity of anachronistic fantasies thrown up by neoliberalism's disintegration, it has become increasingly difficult to tell which criminological and zemiological threats are real and which are constructed: Trump or Clinton, street crime or corporate crime? Centrist pragmatism and the fear of any 'alarmism' that might stir the public's ire and threaten the peace that for the centrists can be indefinitely sustained prevented the criminological gaze from delving too deeply into either capitalism's systemic harms and injustices-environmental destruction, communal disintegration, institutional corruption and so on-or the 'little evils'-violence, fraud, cyber crimes and so on-that some of its less powerful subjects perpetrate in everyday life. The repressed real is currently returning, as it always does, in altered or novel forms-normalised criminal markets in run-down post- industrial areas, drug abuse, proliferating cyber crimes, localised eruptions of homicide, environmental degradation, illegal labour markets, international trafficking, organised child abuse, new types of extreme politics, hidden institutional corruption, deviant leisure and so on-in everyday reality to experience as the morbid symptoms of the interregnum between a disintegrating socio-economic system and an as yet unidentified alternative. The neglect of this structural antagonism and its fundamental systemic harms-economic insecurity, chronic unemployment, disintegrating communities, expanding criminal markets, nihilism, loss of hope and so on-played a major role in the hardening of the working class's sentiments and the drift of most away from the liberal left and an electorally significant minority towards the newly constituted populist right.

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