داستان آبیدیک



1 حسابداری و مالی:: نمایش

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: نمایاندن‌، نمایش‌ دادن‌، نمایش‌، نشان‌ دادن‌، ابراز كردن‌، اشكاركردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun exhibit: The display of silk was beautiful. verb show: You should display your products.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   noun arrangement of things ADJ. attractive, beautiful, colourful, dazzling, excellent, eye-catching, fascinating, fine, good, interesting, stunning | special | public | permanent, temporary | static The locomotive is normally kept on static display in the National Railway Museum. | audio-visual, visual An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like aboard a sailing ship. | floral, photographic a beautiful floral display outside the Town Hall | in-store, wall, window | museum, shop VERB + DISPLAY have The museum has a fine display of old medical instruments. | mount We plan to mount a display of the children's work in the lobby area. | go on Examples of her work will go on permanent display in the new museum. | put sth on The birds were put on display at the zoological society. DISPLAY + VERB illustrate sth, show sth The display illustrates the traditional industries of the town. DISPLAY + NOUN board, cabinet, case, stand a glass-fronted display cabinet PREP. on ~ Designs for the new sports hall are on public display in the library. On display are earrings, necklaces and bracelets made from jade, amber and amethyst. | ~ of a display of Roman coinsART performing a skill ADJ. astonishing, awesome, breathtaking, brilliant, devastating, flamboyant, great, impressive, magnificent, outstanding, spectacular, spirited, superb, virtuoso a flamboyant display of footballing skills | disappointing, lacklustre, poor | firework | pyrotechnic The sun set in a pyrotechnic display that burnt up the whole western sky. | aerial, aerobatic, air, flying, parachute | courtship, mating, sexual VERB + DISPLAY give, perform, put on The male performs a magnificent courtship display. They put on a spectacular firework display. | treat sb to The crowd was treated to an impressive display of power tennis. | watch DISPLAY + NOUN team an aerobatic display team PREP. ~ of They gave a virtuoso display of disco dancing. showing a particular feeling/quality ADJ. brief | rare | impressive, incredible, striking Members of the community closed ranks in an impressive display of unity. | open, public an open display of affection for her husband | outward Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something. | ostentatious, overt an ostentatious display of wealth | aggressive There may be specific events which trigger aggressive displays in your dog. PREP. ~ of She slammed the door behind her in a display of ill-temper. on a computer screen, etc. ADJ. computer, screen | data, graphics, video, visual | colour, mono/monochrome | high resolution, low resolution a high resolution colour display | LCD/liquid crystal | analogue, digital | Windows DISPLAY + NOUN screen, terminal, unit display screen equipment a visual display unit,   verb ADV. clearly, prominently His football trophies were prominently displayed in the kitchen. | proudly PREP. to She proudly displayed her degree certificate to her parents.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

3 general:: display adjectives a fine/magnificent/spectacular/dazzling display (= a very good one ) • The museum has a magnificent display of silver. a window display (= in the window of a shop ) • I stopped to look at something in the window display. a special display • There was a special display of local photographs. a floral display (= of flowers ) • The village has won an award for its floral displays. verbs create a display • She created an award-winning display at the national garden show. display + NOUN a display case/cabinet (= small cupboard with a glass front ) • There was a display case full of medals. a display board • Some schools have a display board with photographs of all the staff. a display stand (= table with shelves etc used for showing things to the public ) • A lot of companies had impressive display stands in the conference hall.


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