داستان آبیدیک



1 عمران:: المان

The list contains two elements.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: اساس‌، محیط‌ ط‌بیعی‌، اصل‌، عنصر، جوهر فرد، جسم‌ بسیط‌، المان / عنصر

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 :: اجزاء

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: element adjectives an important element • This one fact is the most important element of the theory. a major element (= very important ) • Private study is a major element of the students’ timetable. a key element (= very important and necessary ) • Trust is a key element in any relationship. a crucial/critical element (= extremely important and necessary ) • The most crucial element of our economic system is the law of supply and demand. a vital/essential element (= necessary so that something can happen or exist ) • Her determination is a vital element of her success. the main element (= most important ) • The reform programme has three main elements.


2 general:: noun periodic table: The first element is Hydrogen. noun part: There is an element of truth in that.

Simple Definitions

3 general::   noun one part of sth ADJ. basic, critical, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, key, main, major, necessary, principal, significant, vital | dominant The promise of tax cuts became the dominant element in the campaign. | considerable, large There is a considerable element of danger in her job. | competitive There is too much of a competitive element in the sales department. | racial, sexual Police say there may have been a racial element to the attacks. VERB + ELEMENT be, constitute, form | contain, have, include, involve These rumours do contain an element of truth. | introduce PREP. ~ in This constitutes one of the key elements in this reform programme. | ~ of Practical work will form a major element of the syllabus. There may have been an element of jealousy in her response. the elements: bad weather VERB + ELEMENT brave I put on my thick coat ready to brave the elements. | battle (against) He told us stories of how he had battled the elements on his mountaineering trips. | be exposed to, be open to The place was completely exposed to the elements. | be protected from, be sheltered from PHRASES protection/shelter from the elements

Oxford Collocations Dictionary


American Heritage Idioms

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