


1 عمومی:: روی‌ درهم‌ كشیدن‌، اخم‌، اخم‌ كردن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: noun scowl: He had a frown on his face. verb scowled: She frowned when she said it.

Simple Definitions

2 general::   verb ADV. darkly, deeply, heavily, sharply | slightly | impatiently | thoughtfully She studied the letter, frowning thoughtfully. PREP. at She turned and frowned at him. | in He looked at the coded message, frowning in concentration. | with He frowned with annoyance.,   noun ADJ. deep, heavy | faint, quick, slight, small, tiny | puzzled, thoughtful, worried | angry, black, fierce, grim, warning | deepening VERB + FROWN give The boy gave a small frown. | wear She wore a worried frown. | crease into, pucker into, wrinkle in Her face creased into a frown. | be drawn/draw together in His brows drew together in a frown. FROWN + VERB deepen, grow darker/deeper Her frown grew deeper at the memory. | crease sth Her frown creased her forehead. | marr sth A frown marred his handsome features. | cross sth, touch sth A frown crossed her brow. FROWN + NOUN line PREP. with a ~ | ~ of a frown of concentration/disapproval/puzzlement PHRASES a frown in your eyes He looked at her with a puzzled frown in his eyes. | a frown on your face

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

3 general:: frown on/upon sth [ often passive ] to disapprove of something • Smoking is frowned upon in many restaurants.

Cambridge-Phrasal Verbs

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