داستان آبیدیک

hypomanic episode


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: اپیزود هیپومانیک

A hypomanic episode is a less severe manic episode (same number of symptoms required but qualitatively less severe), lasting for at least 4 days and often causing limited dysfunction. Bipolar I is diagnosed when MDD and manic (or mixed) episodes are involved, while Bipolar II includes MDD and a hypomanic episode. Cyclothymia refers to mood states that range from persistent depressive episodes to hypomanic episodes. The exclusionary criteria relate to ruling out the existence of any manic or hypomanic episode for more than 1 day; behaviors are not better explained by another disorder or major depressive episode; and symptoms are not related to any medical or neurological condition. Hypomanic Episode: A hypomanic episode is less severe than a manic episode.

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