روان شناسی و مشاوره::
حقارت، احساس حقارت
Feelings of inferiority and corresponding anxious, inhibited behaviour can also be the result of a speci?
If, however, a feeling of inferiority is the child's primary problem, then it is above all the 'sparkle in the eyes' of the therapists, their differentiated perception of the child and their acknowledgement of his or her statements and expressions which will strengthen her feelings of self-worth.
For many children, there is a double aspect to this behaviour: it expresses their feelings of inferiority at the same time that it serves as a defence against repressed aggression.
Strong feelings of inferiority and aggressive behaviour go hand in hand all too often.
Given shape in a scenario, they help the children to compensate for negative experiences-for example: failure, lack of ability, inferiority, devaluation or shaming.،
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