داستان آبیدیک

information warfare


1 عمومی:: جنگ اطلاعاتی، جنگ اطلاعاتی

(trump card or assassin's mace) technology with the concept of unrestricted war- fare and an information warfare strategy. In spite of the significant advantages that China enjoys from cyberspace, it is not the focal point of the PRC's information warfare strategy. Deepak Sharma, "Integrated Network Electronic Warfare: China's New Concept of Information Warfare," Journal of Defence Studies 4, no 2 (April 2010): 37-38.،Key C2 activities include air defense, information-in-warfare, information warfare, joint fires, combat search and rescue, legal, logistics, and weather. Information warfare (IW) operations, such as defensive counterinformation and offensive counterinformation, are the responsibility of the IW specialty team. IW planners in the AOC should recommend targets to support the theater campaign plan. The IW planners evaluate infor- mation target systems, functional relationships, and friendly and adversary critical nodes and recommend appropriate offensive counterinformation and defensive counterinformation missions for inclusion in the ATO. The Combat Plans Division, integrates IW target nominations into attack plans and tasking orders.

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