داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: جانوران‌ كوچك‌ ومیكروسكپی‌، ریزجاندار

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: میکروارگانیسم

Asepsis Prevention of the transfer of microorganisms and pathogens Chain Path of infection; the components of the infectious disease process Clean Presence of few microorganisms or pathogens with no visible debris Colonization Presence of a potentially infectious organism in or on a host but not causing disease Communicable Ability of a microorganism to spread disease Dirty Presence of many microorganisms or pathogens; any soiled item Disease Alteration of normal tissues, body processes, or functions Etiology Cause of a disease Hospital acquired infection An infection not present or incubating on admission Immunity Resistance to a disease associated with the presence of antibodies Infection Invasion of tissues by a disease-causing microorganism (s) Medical asepsis Measures that limit pathologic spread of microorganisms Nosocomial Older term-See Hospital acquired infection

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