داستان آبیدیک



1 مکانیک:: ریزتوان

The interaction of material points is prescribed through a micropotential that depends on the deformation and constitutive properties of the material. Due to the interaction between material points x^ and xy), a scalar-valued micropotential, , develops; it depends on the material properties as well as the stretch between point x^) and all other material points in its family. Note that the micropotential w^k) / w(k)(j)' because depends on the state of material points within the family of material point x^ . These micropotentials can be expressed as Similarly, y^ is the position vector of point x^ in the deformed configuration and y^,-) is the position vector of the first material point that interacts with point X(jy The strain energy density, , of material point x^ can be expressed as a summation of micropotentials, arising from the interaction of material point

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